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The Personal Schlog of (Instagram Post (Square)).png

I hope this webpage finds you well.

I am a copywriter. 


I write video ads at Wayfair, where I also develop and execute campaigns, brand strategy, and fun corporate initiatives.

I have a Schlubstack and an erratic blog.


You're probably wondering what kind of funerals I think are best. 


I think the best funerals are the ones where a bunch of people surface never-before-told stories about the deceased—where it turns out the person had been wreaking private acts of support, generosity, and benign mayhem left and right all their life and nobody quite realized the extent until they all got in a room together. 


I like the idea of making unsung investments in a payday I won’t see. I like that and I like the poop emoji.



Contact Moi 💩


Instagram: @ylimehuizenga

LinkedIn: /emilyhuizenga


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